Softway Medical: Revolutionizing Health through Technology, by Nude

In an era where technology and data management redefine the bounds of what’s possible, Softway Medical positions itself as a pioneer of change in the health sector. Driven by a strong belief in the transformative power of technology, Softway aims to revolutionize access and efficiency in healthcare.

At Nude, we were inspired by the bold vision of Softway Medical and its unwavering commitment to health professionals. Our goal was clear: to forge a brand identity that not only reflects this ambition but also acts as a catalyst for change. It was a significant challenge that we embraced with passion.

The transformation began with the creation of a new logo, symbolizing the merger of cutting-edge technology and humanity. We then developed an editorial line and a graphic charter that embody Softway’s values and vision. These elements are at the heart of the new brand identity, designed to convey a promise: a future where health technology is democratized, accessible to all, and serves the continuous improvement of care.

The result? A unified brand that brings together all the commercial brands of Softway Medical under one banner, reflecting their collective commitment to innovation and excellence in medical imaging fields.